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When Did Egypt Become the 51st State? Or Did ALL Americans Get Jobs?

When did Egypt become the 51st state?
Seems I heard that President Obama just signed a BILLION dollar Aid package to create jobs.Create Jobs in  EGYPT. hmmm Did I over sleep? Did we get jobs here in the United States? Just Checking!

Pssst Mr.President, look out your window... just sayin.
There are 13.7 Million of us, Americans,  UMEMPLOYED! We will Gladly divide the BILLION, 70,000 each should get us started, at least get us a house and food, maybe even jump start the housing market.

What kind of jobs can you create in an oil rich nation in the middle of the desert?
Perhaps they go into drugs! Could they hide them in the Camel humps?
Seems the only war the United States doesn't win is, well, The War on Drugs.

Dear Mr. President, Giving away a Billion and TAKING American Jobs?
Worse yet, Obama in his new Presidential campaign is actually TAKING jobs... He is Taking Jobs from Stand Up Comedians, he's making his own jokes about himself.... I guess we could all run for office. Seems the winner is the one that makes the most jokes, or is the biggest joke? Either way, I have a shot at a win with  that one, I got Jokes or will be one?  hmmm

At the Very Least President Obama, Do the up and coming Stand Up Comedians, out of work Americans a favor? Stop telling our jokes and at one of your fancy White House Events or Dinners, have us come entertain you. We get to eat, we have a job, you get to laugh, no harm no foul and we will forgive the little T-shirt Incident and the Joke telling! Deal?
I don't come up to the White House and throw around policy... so let the pros tell the jokes! ha!

I am the Hungry Comic Feed a Comic 
and Save a Life.... Oops, I mean Laugh!

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