The Comedy Nerds!
This is an response to a story, or podcast, on the above site. I am not sure how I saw at this ridiculous hour, but it was what he said to do that made me write. If you know me you know why I do this and I am doing this. Those of you getting to know me, hang on, I am all over the road =)
Now don't cry! Do something about it!! I love music, but I am" In Love "with Great comedy, I love to write, take ridiculous pictures and recently got the guts to do my own Stand-up. However, I had already decided that I would create a site, create events that appealed to me and the people I knew convince clubs to let me take over, then PACK the house when everyone said it could not be done. I decided to "reinvent myself at 41"( now that's comedy ;o) ) I put my life savings into my company Worst Of Anything (Making the Best of Everything). Our VERY first Comedy Showcase in a small town outside of Atlanta I packed the room , Sold out show over 120+ guests a group of rising Hungry comedians. We learned A LOT but more importantly, I had been told by EVERY club owner and manager in the area it could NOT be done!! Well we now get every Monday for Open Mic and get the Upstairs every fifth Saturday for Sold out Shows "two a night" . I am new, this is my first stop, the website is still growing, but I am still so proud. I am gathering all the comics that want to get some stage time, play to an full house and I will spread the "Comedy Love Fest" All over the Place. I am one of those "Hungry Comedians" (literally and figuratively ha ha) . Gave up my Job with the big title and repulsive boss, to bars, and giggles, spending all my time, writing content, coding the website, building it and graphics and all the techy stuff =). My "Claim to Fame" is The View form Beyond the Stall, My quest for the clean Public Restroom and all the things I catch in between with my camera or in my mind (I swear I want a hidden a camera, the dialogue I have with some of the folks I meet is priceless). So I am often told now "Every time I go to the bathroom I think about you , Tammy" tear I am so proud. I am affectionately known as the "Potty Hotty" and was the First recipient of the Toilet Award in 2009, we hope to continue the tradition this year. Giving an autographed (and framed of course ) toilet seat to the person who has given the most to bring the culture of true entertainment and smiles to my fellow antique, I mean friends =)
So I implore you to put down the tissues, no crying in COMEDY man!! Man up grab your silver spandex, or Lady Bug Costume , Head to your nearest Home Improvement warehouse ask permission to take photos and put on your most tasteless outfit and draw a crowd. HA HA...Ok that is truly only given full value if you view the pictures!
SO I hope you will at least visit the site, It is now a collection of blogs from several different artists. I am adding Worst Of Anything APPROVED or "The Good" / Best of Everything. , The "Bad" will be all the places that you should eat before you go, etc, "The Ugly" is a compilation of of Photos (videos - Homemade variety-- Hubba Hubba <--- ok not that kind, but more of my odd sense of humor.... tasteless fashion and good times. I will be Spreading the Love, COMEDY Love, to anyone else that will embrace it. I am adding a social network for comedians and fans of comedy to be able to share through, pics, video, blogs, etc. A portion of the Site I am finishing up is for event postings and "Our Favorites" or WOA approved. Please feel free to visit, register so I can let everyone know when the each part is born. I never thought I would have more sleepless nights ( teen unit made it to college, she is a musician).
So I am asking everyone from all over (actually this is my only post, but I will be) the question appealed and made me compelled to tell my story, I am either a comedy heroin or a complete idiot, jury is still out.... But I am smiling every step of the way. Currently we are putting together ad and sponsor packs and we have a donate button, that should really say "FEED ME" HA, The story is completely true. A small group two of us Gave it all up, He for music I for Comedy, we are best friends He wrote our theme song (although he needs to add the cougar line all about old midlife creepers). He is my Best Friend "Tom Spencer Music" (shameless plug) His amazing Girl friend supplies my fix (donuts) and is my fearless photographer.
Please check me out (not like that perv, JK) (I swear the day was hysterical, LOOK AT PICS to understand this , but it turns out a 300lb dude in a lady bug outfit hanging from a tree at your local Home Improvement center (ORANGE rhymes with Home Depot , even spelled the same). I beg you to register leave comments feedback. It takes Soldiers to win this fight against the grumpies and garden variety jerks with no sense of humor.
The Website is
facebook has more pics as of the date of this writing.
twitter @worstofanything
The events are coming together, soon hopefully all will get exposure and maybe my mortgage will eventually get paid..... HA but I will sacrifice on the battlefield as I drive the comedic troops to greatness, or at the very least create stage time=)
So all I ask is for you to do is look, participate in discussion, give us a Worst and A Best (of anything in your neck of the woods) , Send me a Funny Picture, I get them from all over now. And May I have permission to add a link to you guys on my site?
Much Love, Tammy Johnson Collins (single, yes with too many names, and the honor of "Tammy" a name made famous by all the toothless convenience and gas station attendants in South Georgia, tear again, straight up pride... Ahhh My mother what incite... "Tammy" ( a redneck movie character ) and "Jo" (after my VERY Italian VERY NY grandfather) to bring the ever NEW YORK don't mess with me Combo "Tammy Jo"..... Yes she still hates me .... ok maybe hate is a strong word.
Wipe your tears unless your tummy hurts from the giggles and give me some input. and really any other social network you can dream of! I am Tammy I am WORST OF ANYTHING, I can show you the Best of Everything, I have the View From Beyond the Stall!!
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